Happy Anniversary “Phabulously Sparkling @ 50”

OMG!!! One Year!!!

Listen, I have to admit, When I first decided to join the Blogging World, I had no idea where to start. I just posted one sentence about being over “Fifty and Feeling Fabulous” and this one picture IMG_1848 and hit the publish button.


Since I started blogging. I found out that It does take a lot of work, for instance, researching, organizing, and taking pictures (I love taking pics), which are just a few of the things, but that’s okay. I’m so excited to say, I do love the fun of it and, I find it to be very relaxing.

While blogging, I’ve met some amazing friends along the way and reading their blog posts whether it’s about traveling, which took me on adventures to different countries and different states that I’d never would’ve dreamed of, or sharing food recipes, learning new beauty tips or finding shopping sales, etc. I’m definitely excited to see what 2016 will bring ….  😉

So here’s to my One Year Blogging Anniversary… Kudos Veeno+a-01“Phabulously Sparkling @ 50”, It’s like the old saying goes,


                                                        “Like Fine Wine – It Only Gets Better”.


Thank you all for continuing to be with me on my Blogging Journey and remember to always

 Sparkle Sparkle Bling Bling!!!






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